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HomeSummervals Track

SUMMERVALS are back!

Track interval training of up-tempo, fast runs (repeats) followed by rest periods (intervals) of slower running to build aerobic strength, improve running efficiency, and adapt to race-specific intensity. Workouts vary every week.

Keith Holzmueller, our Summervals Coach, has coached ERC's indoor Winterval workouts for 12 years and is now moving to the outdoor track to coach Summervals. Keith is a long-time runner who has won his CARA age group on several occasions and placed second in his age group at the 2015 and 2021 Bank of America Chicago Marathons.           

Summervals are designed for runners of all levels of experience, age, personal goals and speed. 

ERC does interval training on the track with periods of up-tempo, fast running followed by recovery periods of slower running to build aerobic strength, improve running efficiency, and adapt to race-specific intensity. Workouts vary every week.   


How do intervals help runners?

Your longer, steady weekly runs (done in ERC group runs, we hope!) build aerobic conditioning and are essential in developing strength and endurance.  Interval training – both Wintervals and Summervals – helps you build aerobic strength, improve your running efficiency, and adapt to race-specific intensity. Intervals help you run faster and/or maintain your speed by training your body to better process lactic acids. If you are new to intervals, you should begin to see results after about 4 weeks.

So called “interval training” is divided into up-tempo, fast runs (repeats) followed by rest periods (intervals) of slower running. For instance, we might run 400 meter repeats (once around the track) followed by a rest “interval” of a slow 200-meter jog. What's interesting is much of the training effect comes during the rest interval, when the heart recovers from and adapts to the stress of the exercise. The greatest stimulus for heart development occurs during the first 10 seconds of the rest interval. This is why I will be reminding you to jog the interval so you can truly benefit from this training, You’ll want to walk, but please try to keep jogging!


Good news: It is common for runners to run the repeats (e.g., the 400 meters) too fast! You will benefit more if you keep it to a target pace you've set for yourself: a 5K PR, or a 10K fall race or to do Chicago in 3:30 (8m/m). if you don't race or don't know your pace, try to run 10% to 20% faster than you do normally. If you find yourself working too hard, back off, be patient, your body will adapt. Athletes should feel energized, never “beat,” at the end of speed work.

Have I piqued your interest? I certainly hope so!

I like to think of our group at the track as a community, the closest thing to being a kid again on the playground. Remember those days? Please come join us!

  • Location - Evanston Township High School Track Map
  • Arrive at 6:15 PM to warm up for at least 5 - 10 minutes of slow jogging. This helps to prevent injury and starts the mental and physical rehearsal for the faster running.
  • We will begin at 6:30 with announcements and an explanation of the work-out for the evening.
  • Dress in layers, your body will heat up with the faster pace.
  • Bring your own secret fluids; the water fountain is slow and out-of-the-way.
  • Cool down with another 5 -10 of slow jogging.


Summervals in the Morning

Can't make it to evening Summervals? Join coach Nancy Rollins at the Evanston Ecology Center, 6:10 am Wed.

Track work improves your speed!

October Workouts

October 2024 workouts